Physical Inventory Vs Cycle counts
Physical inventory is an activity in the DCs/ warehouse locations which is carried out once/ twice in a year. This actually carried for one basic and important reason of inventory control is ‘to keep the count correct and reflect it correctly in the system’. Whenever this physical inventory is going to be carried out in the facility, the facility is supposed to have completed all the putaways/ picks/ replenishment/ moves/ deliveries/ loadings before the last shift of the facility. When the physical inventory process starts, all the access levels of users will be withdrawn from their use of applications which leads to integrity of inventory. During this, the system tries to find what are the pending activities to the locations, finds the Data Base integrity (two items at one location, qtys mismatch), accordingly the systems generates checks for those locations. A user goes to the location verifies the qtys, this leads to another check for the location for the confirmation. But this time...